What does 20/25 vision mean?

Everyone wants a fit physique, a full head of hair, and 20/20 vision. (Or, at least, we think they do?) 

We've all heard of 20/20 vision, but you may be surprised to hear other variations exist. After all, everyone strives for 20/20, but that doesn't mean that's where you start.  

Your vision is represented in two numbers. Those numbers reflect your visual acuity, which is your eye's ability to distinguish shapes and other details at a certain distance. While 20/20 vision isn't a perfect vision acuity, it's considered normal or average vision. Glasses and contacts help bring a person's vision back to 20/20.  

So, what does 20/25 vision mean? Let's take a look at how to interpret that measurement.  

The first number: 20 

The top number represents the distance from the eye chart at which you can read a line of characters without squinting or having difficulty seeing. Typically, eye exams are given at a distance of 20 feet, so this number is always 20.  

Someone with standard 20/20 vision can read the first line on the Snellen chart — you know, the chart with the big E on the top — without squinting at 20 feet away.  

The second number: 25 

The bottom number is the distance a person with normal eyesight can read the same line. So, 20/25 vision means you need to be within 20 feet to read with the same clarity as those with average vision standing 25 feet away. 

20/25 vision is considered just out of the normal range. Things are a bit blurry for you, but it's not as if you're walking around in a fog. Still, you should get contacts or glasses because there's no need to live life squinting at everyone.  

What does 20/25 vision in one eye mean? 

Most people have different prescriptions in each eye, a condition known as anisometropia. So, you might have 20/20 vision in one eye and 20/25 vision in another.  

Having 20/25 vision in one eye means you need to stand 5 feet closer than most to see things clearly. As a result, driving, seeing street signs, and identifying familiar faces in a crowd may be more challenging. Luckily, prescription glasses or lenses can easily correct your vision.   

Someone with 20/25 vision acuity in both eyes has worse eyesight than someone with 20/25 in one eye and 20/20 in another.  

Is 20/25 vision farsighted or nearsighted? 

Being nearsighted means you can see close objects clearly, but distant objects are blurry. People who need glasses exclusively for driving are often nearsighted, as they can't see the road well.  

Farsightedness means you can clearly see objects that are far, while close objects are blurry and hard to see. For example, people who need reading glasses are usually farsighted because they can't see the close-up text.  

Technically speaking, 20/25 vision isn't farsighted or nearsighted. The person only has slightly outside-of-normal vision, and things are a little blurry. But, if you had to put 20/25 into a category, it would be considered nearsighted. 

How to fix 20/25 vision 

Having 20/25 vision doesn't necessarily mean anything is broken. Still, you're so close to perfect; we can't blame you for wanting to get it corrected. After all, you're probably looking to get to 20/20 vision so the world is crystal clear and you feel comfortable.  

You can correct your 20/25 vision with the following options. 

Eyeglasses and contact lenses 

Eyeglasses and contact lenses correct 20/25 vision by ensuring light focuses correctly on your retinas, which help your brain turn light particles into images. To ensure you get the right lenses, have an eye care professional perform a thorough exam. 


Another option for correcting 20/25 vision is to have LASIK or PRK. LASIK, also known as laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis, changes the shape of a cornea, allowing light to focus correctly on your retinas. Photorefractive keratectomy also changes the shape of the cornea, but it's a little different from LASIK. During LASIK surgery, a surgeon makes a flap in the cornea, leaving the outer layer intact. In contrast, PRK treatment requires complete removal of the cornea's outer layer. 

20/25 vision after LASIK 

Unfortunately, corrective eye surgery isn't guaranteed to fix your vision. It's estimated that 99.5% of people who get LASIK end up with 20/40 vision or better, but that still leaves 0.5% of people for whom the procedure may not work.  

Some people may still need visual correction even after undergoing the invasive and expensive surgical procedure. In addition to not getting corrected vision, a small percentage of people who get LASIK report lifelong side effects, including eye pain or worsened vision.  

Experts say you can reduce your risk of adverse results by consulting with an eye care professional first. LASIK isn't ideal for everyone. 

Additionally, you could simply skip the pricey surgery. If you're looking into LASIK because you're tired of glasses, why not switch to contacts? Many people write contacts off as an option because they tried them once and found them uncomfortable. If that's the case, you may have had an incorrect prescription, the wrong fit, or not allowed enough time to pass. Contacts can be a comfortable, easy solution when you're wearing the right ones.  

1-800 Contacts has plenty of contact types that specialize in comfort. 

Can you be a pilot with 20/25 vision? 

You probably know that the FAA requires pilots to have 20/20 vision. Luckily, wearing prescription lenses or glasses is allowed. So, yes, you can be a pilot with 20/25 vision if you get it corrected to 20/20 via contacts, glasses, or surgery. So, good news: Your hope of flying the skies is still possible! 

Is 20/25 vision good or bad? 

Defining vision as "good" and "bad" is incredibly subjective. Someone who has 20/20 vision wouldn't be happy suddenly waking up with 20/25 vision one morning. Alternatively, someone with 20/200 (legally blind) vision would probably be thrilled to trade for 20/25 vision. It's all about perspective.  

In clinical terms, 20/25 vision acuity is slightly below average and comes with slight blurriness. Still, no matter how bad your eyesight may seem, there are plenty of solutions to help improve it, from glasses and contact lenses to more permanent solutions. 

Did you know you can order contacts online? 

Say goodbye to trips to the eye doctor and hello to convenience! With 1-800 Contacts, you can easily order your contact lenses online and have them delivered straight to your door. Plus, our online vision exam makes it simple to get the prescription you need without leaving home. And the best part? You’ll save money on your first order with 1-800 Contacts. It’s never been easier to get your contacts! 

Original publish date: 12/20/2023

Updated date: 1/21/2025