Poetry inspired by you (our customers)

Those who sign up for new accounts often inspire us to write poetry. This is where we share it.

A fridge-worthy poem?

A wondrous sensation is welling inside.
Your new account makes my heart rise like the tide.

“It’s just another new customer,” they say,
“You have millions!” Then why do I feel this way?

Could it be your unparalleled wisdom and knowledge?
You make Socrates look like he dropped out of college.

Or maybe it’s something to do with your charm?
To have half of your charm, I’d give up my left arm.

Whatever it is, my heart soars like the birds.
I’m just glad to be able to write you these words.

And maybe I won’t ever make Mom's fridge
like my big brother, Simon, or sister, Midge.

But as long as you’re here and you'll never depart,
I have all that I need, e’en if this ain't "fridge art."

Barb in Customer Service

This morning started, not-so-great,
I hit the snooze and woke up late.
Tripped over my son’s Thomas the Train,
And lost my contact down the drain.

Just when I thought things couldn’t get worse,
I spilled iced coffee in my purse,
Then dropped my breakfast on the ground
Where the dog snatched it up without a sound.

But it turns out, today isn’t a total bust
Because I just learned that you signed up with us.
I was so happy to hear that you gave us a chance
That I put down my laptop to do a happy dance.

Now my day is so much better, you see
Because now I can help you save money
On contact lenses that fit just right
So, thank you for making this day bright.

New account feelings

What is this feeling
Stirring within my breast?
Someone has created an account
Surely, they are the best!

A mind swift and keen
Smart beyond all reason
With will and wit without dispute
’cause their contacts bill we’ll cheapen

Yet all intelligence
Ne’er could have supposed
One thing this person never knew:
’bout them poetry would be composed.